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Aug. 17, 2023

Don’t “SHOULD” All Over Yourself

Don’t “SHOULD” All Over Yourself

The word Should can be triggering both consciously and unconsciously because it implies obligation as opposed to 100% true choice; sometimes that can leave us feeling powerless over our circumstances.
Today we are going to talk about “shoulding” on Y...

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Rat Race Reboot - with Laura Noel

The word Should can be triggering both consciously and unconsciously because it implies obligation as opposed to 100% true choice; sometimes that can leave us feeling powerless over our circumstances.

Today we are going to talk about “shoulding” on Yourself, why it’s problematic and what to do instead to get you back in alignment with yourself.


Connect with Laura Today: http://www.stretchintosuccess.com/ratracereboot


Watch/Listen to the Show on:

Youtube:     / @ratracerebootwithlauranoel7460 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RatRaceReboot

Podbean: https://infogtu.podbean.com/





